We are surrounded by informative texts in our everyday lives – news reports, emails, instructions and recounts are all examples of these. They inform the reader with facts.
But to write a compelling piece of informative writing, it not only needs to educate the reader about a specific topic, it should also engage them and make them want to know more.
Who wants to read a boring list of facts? Not us! Facts can be fun and the Seven Steps approach has helped many students bring informative writing to life to engage the reader.
Want to see how the Seven Steps techniques can transform a piece of informative writing?
We recently launched our new Informative Writing Manual (Second Edition) which included some of the amazing student writing samples from the Informative Writing Competition we held last year.
A few of these students, now published authors, read their samples to us and we couldn’t be more proud of them. Check out these informative student writing samples.
Rebekah, Year 5
Torrens Valley Christian School
Step 2: Sizzling Starts
(Start with a sound)
Snap! One of the twigs nearby cracked. What was that? The mother Arctic tern looked around, carefully not going too far from her nest. Then she saw it. The fox!
Jedd, Year 5
Torrens Valley Christian School
Step 3: Tightening Tension
As the fur seal pups feed on their mother’s milk, they are unaware of the danger behind them. A leopard seal, lurking in the midst of the ocean. He stays there, the cunning seal waiting until the mother departs to run other errands.
Year 5 informative student writing sample
Monty, Year 5
Sunrise Christian College
Step 5: Show, Don’t Tell
The house is littered with dirty tissues and stinky clothes … you can smell the boredom and anger in the air. Even the slightest provocation will start a massive fight. This once laughter filled house is now filled with tension and anger … read on to find out why!
Jason, Year 5
Torrens Valley Christian School
Step 7: Endings with Impact
(Call to action)
As Albert Einstein said, ‘Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.’
What can you do to save them? Contact Dolphin_Support@.
Putting It All Together
Once students master each of the Seven Steps, they learn how to put them all together to create a full text. Here are some amazing informative student writing samples that we’ve included in our new Informative Writing Manual. All of our published student authors received a certificate to celebrate their writing success.
Let’s go to space. Three…Two…One… Blast off!
I think Jupiter is the coolest planet, even cooler than Neptune. Get it? Because Neptune is actually the coldest planet. Anyway, here are some interesting facts about Jupiter that will wow you.
Jupiter began 4.5 billion years ago by heaps of meteorites that crashed together. BANG! Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun. Jupiter is so huge that it can fit 1,000 Earths inside, what that’s crazy isn’t it? Did you know Jupiter is a type of planet called a gas giant, and it doesn’t have a ground?
Year 5 informative student writing sample
Black and white comes together.
Peter Norman. Have you ever heard that name before? If you lived in 1968 you would have heard of him once and never heard of him again. Dark days of Apartheid always loomed over everyone, casting a shadow on the world. But Peter Norman would not let it ruin the great 1968 Mexico Olympics.
200m of Olympic track stretched on, but Peter tried to imagine it as the school carnival back when he was in primary school. But this was no children’s challenge. This was the Olympic Games.
Charli, Year 5
Bunbury Primary School
All Steps (Putting It All Together)

Seven Steps Informative Writing Manual
Are you ready to bring informative writing to life?
Brand-new in 2022, the second edition of the Informative Writing Manual is packed with practical, time-saving classroom resources to make planning and implementing the Seven Steps just as fun as learning it!
It includes:
- extensive theory – dive deep into the core techniques of each Step
- chapters organised by Step – it’s easy to find what you need quickly
- lots of student and annotated exemplars
- a Putting It All Together chapter, including a marking guide and marked exemplars
- differentiated topics for every Step
- a Curriculum matrix linking every activity to the English curriculum descriptors.