Ideas are like small plants sprouting in the compost of experience; it takes time and patience to find out if they turn into trees.'
– Shaun Tan
Where do you get your ideas?
This is the most common question any author is asked. And yet ideas are everywhere … with you when you wake up, in the shower, walking the dog or down at the beach.
Sometimes they demand our attention, and at other times (especially with the pressure of a deadline looming), they are elusive, shy creatures that need to be coaxed out with patience or guile. Some say chocolate helps (just ask Jackie French).
As we help students become more skilled writers, idea kick-starters may help, and that’s what the Seven Steps Writing Prompts are for.
Unlike other free writing prompts, these help students master one skill at a time, instead of climbing that great big hill of writing a whole new text all in one go.
We’ve been releasing our new writing prompts on Facebook this past month and they’re here for our blog readers, too.
Finding ideas gets easier with experience, so a little push to start students off, some daily practice and hopefully those ideas will start to trot right onto the page.
Writing Prompts
Looking for more?
View more free Seven Steps Writing Prompts for narrative, persuasive and informative text types.
For more writing activities and classroom inspiration, follow us on Facebook.
Step 2: Sizzling Starts is fun to teach, easy to learn and will have your students cheering for more!