Every day, thousands of Seven Steps teachers support and inspire students to think more creatively, brainstorm, collaborate and create amazing pieces of writing.
We’re in the business of inspiring and we love nothing more than to share what our incredible teachers are doing in their classrooms. And hopefully they will inspire you too!
We have curated some of the most loved Wow Moments from our Seven Steps community. See the Seven Steps in action in classrooms across Australia and hear how student engagement has improved after using these fun activities. Check them out below!
Step 1: Plan for Success
Starting with Step 1: Plan for Success, students were given a “Never Ending List” template to fill in their ideas for the different parts of a story.
As a younger primary group, these students use a template to plan their ideas by cutting out the characters, settings, problems and resolutions and sticking them on the template. Once they filled the grid out, they practised mixing and matching different parts to come up with a creative narrative.
This activity helps students come up with original, exciting and interesting ideas for their narrative writing!
Hayley @lifeandloveoflearning
Year 1/2, South Australia

Add some fun to your planning and get your students’ creativity flowing!
Free download for Step 1: Plan for Success The Chatterbox Template
Step 1: Plan for Success
These Year 3 students were given a warm-up activity to brainstorm some ideas for the following words:
- Jump
- Run
- Ice
- Ball
After just a few minutes of classroom brainstorming, these students have so many ideas to choose from when starting their narrative piece!
Mrs Praolini @mrspraolini
Year 3, South Australia
This is a great activity for quick thinking to prepare for the NAPLAN writing test. Find your free one-word writing prompts here.
Step 4: Dynamic Dialogue
Paper Fight Action Activity
Focusing on Step 4: Dynamic Dialogue and narrative writing, these students were engaged with a fun and interactive action activity!
This activity highlights how dialogue should:
- build characterisation
- help move the plot forward
- be interesting to read.
Mr Johnston @mr.j.learning.space
Stage 3, New South Wales
Step 5: Show, Don’t Tell
These clever Year 5 students were asked to use Step 5: Show, Don’t Tell to paint a spooky word picture.
After only two sessions working on this Step, here are some fantastic examples of their work!
Miss Sullivan
Year 5, Western Australia
Step 1: Plan for Success
Over two lessons, these Year 4 students planned their arguments out using the persuasive story graphs. They then wrote a persuasive text for the topic: School uniforms are necessary!
Miss Mulholland
Year 4, Victoria
Step 6: Ban the Boring
Step 7: Endings with Impact
‘All students should be taught how to swim’ was the topic chosen by this Year 5 student.
It might be one of the best persuasive writing exemplars we’ve ever seen!
Mrs Kulikowski
Year 5, Western Australia

I have been a teacher for 8 years and absolutely love Seven Steps.
The students love using the program as it really brings out their creativity.
Step 2: Sizzling Starts
Step 7: Endings with Impact
This activity is used often in this Year 6 classroom to encourage students to generate ideas quickly, write a first draft, collaborate with others and edit their work.
Students are given a topic (related to what they’ve been focusing on in the classroom) and a purpose (this time: to persuade).
Year 6, New South Wales
Students compose 1 paragraph in 5–8 minutes that could feature in this text. After composing a paragraph, the students are randomly put into groups to sequence their paragraphs and then write a Sizzling Start (an introduction) and an Ending with Impact (a conclusion).
Then, as a group they have composed a text and they review, edit and enhance it. The whole lesson takes about 40 minutes to complete.
Step 2: Sizzling Starts
Book Week
Using a mentor text during Book Week (Walk of the Whales), this fun classroom activity was to ‘draw a blue whale’. Then students were asked to write alternative beginnings using their knowledge of Step 2: Sizzling Starts.
Year 2/3/4 Students, Regional Victoria
Step 2: Sizzling Starts
For a fast and fun lesson, these Year 6 students were placed into small groups, and chose one of these informative topics out of a hat:
- Saliva
- Summer on Uranus last 21 Years
Then they were given 15 minutes to come up with these Sizzling Starts!
Tania @sparkle_in_6
Year 6, Western Australia
This activity was taken from our Informative Writing Manual
Explore free informative writing activities
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