What's new?
- A Step-based structure so everything you need for each Step is in one place.
- Putting It All Together chapters, including a marking guide and marked exemplars.
- More student writing samples and annotated exemplars, curriculum-aligned Action Activities with differentiated topic ideas to help you adapt and reuse year after year.

Support across all text types
Transform students’ narrative, persuasive and informative writing, and provide additional support for younger writers with a specialised Beginner Writers Manual.
Includes digital files for your whole school.

Add School Subscription bundle option at checkout.

Find out more about our individual manuals
Looking for a whole-school approach?
Build a powerful package of training and award-winning resources to suit your school’s needs.
Combine a Teacher Hub subscription with expert training (in-person or online) and create a student-centred learning experience that’s fun, consistent and collaborative!
No matter your size or location, we’re here to help transform writing across your school.
Frequently asked questions
What's the difference between the two Tool Kits?
The Seven Steps Tool Kit for Primary Schools is a one-stop shop for primary schools that want to transform their students into great writers. It includes:
- Narrative Writing Manual
- Persuasive Writing Manual
- Informative Writing Manual
- Beginner Writers Manual.
The Seven Steps Standard Tool Kit includes the Narrative, Persuasive and Informative Writing Manuals, but excludes the Beginner Writers Manual.
I have a Seven Steps Tool Kit/manual. Why should I buy a new one?
Purchased your Tool Kit prior to January 2021?
You’ll find the new Tool Kit is so much bigger and better! Here’s what’s changed:
- Narrative Writing Manual – completely rewritten with four times the content of your old manual.
- Persuasive Writing Manual – completely rewritten with three times the content of your old manual.
- Informative Writing Manual – extended and improved, with 40% more content than your old manual.
- Beginner Writers Manual (previously known as the Early Years Writing Manual) – extended and improved, with 60% more content than the Early Years Writing Manual.
Purchased your Tool Kit after January 2021?
There’s so much terrific new content and added value in the new Tool Kit, you’ll be delighted with the upgrade! Here’s what’s changed:
- Narrative Writing Manual – completely rewritten with four times the content of your current version.
- Persuasive Writing Manual – rebranded with a fresh new look, but the content hasn’t changed from your current version.
- Informative Writing Manual – extended and improved, with 40% more content than your current version.
- Beginner Writers Manual (previously known as the Early Years Writing Manual) – extended and improved, with 60% more content than your current Early Years Writing Manual.
Tight budget?
If your budget is tight, the manual that will make the biggest improvement to your existing Tool Kit is the new Narrative Writing Manual. Structured in easy-to-follow Step-based chapters, you’ll gain so much extra theory, exemplars, activities and more.
Which is better: Teacher Hub or the Seven Steps Tool Kit?
Great question! Both Teacher Hub and the Tool Kit:
- provide you (and your school if you sign up for a school subscription) with everything you need to learn, teach, apply and assess the Seven Steps
- contain the highest quality resources for teaching writing
- offer you a starting point to learn the Seven Steps
- are packed full of teaching resources if you’ve attended a workshop and are ready to roll it out
- cross-reference each other, so they can be used independently or together as a great hybrid teaching tool
- contain almost entirely exclusive content, so you won’t be doubling up on activities, topics or resources.
If you’re limited to choosing either Teacher Hub or the Tool Kit, think about what works best for you or your school:
Choose Teacher Hub if you and your colleagues are digitally savvy and want the option to: use search fields to find what you’re looking for; favourite resources to come back to; and access training videos.
Choose the Tool Kit if you and your colleagues like to have a physical library of resources to flip through and reference over and over again. (Note that your Tool Kit includes a digital copy (PDF) that you can download and load onto your intranet.)
Most schools have a mix of digital natives and the more traditional print-lovers, so a combination of the two will meet everyone’s needs, provide a great hybrid teaching tool and guarantee you won’t run out of activities, ideas and inspiration.
Purchase Teacher Hub and the Tool Kit together and save at least 20% off the Tool Kit! Just add a Tool Kit to your cart, and you’ll find the option to add in Teacher Hub.
How can I access the digital files?
The new Tool Kit and manuals are also available as a digital download that you can store on your school intranet. To access your digital files:
- Log in to Teacher Hub. (You automatically receive a free Teacher Hub Starter account with your purchase.)
- Click the ‘Manuals’ tile on the dashboard.
- You’ll see your manual/s under the ‘Purchased Manuals’ heading. Click on the ‘Download Zip File’ link to download your manual/s to your school intranet.
Having trouble downloading your files? We’re here to help! Call us on (03) 9521 8439.
Previous versions of our manuals and Tool Kits include a USB with your digital file(s).
I’m having issues downloading the files, as my school restricts the size of files we can download. What can I do?
Send us an email at [email protected] or give us a call on (03) 9521 8439 and we’ll be happy to help.
Are there any discounts available for the Tool Kit?
Yes indeed!
Workshop participants – save 20%
If you order within two weeks of attending a workshop, you can save at least 20% off your Tool Kit! You can find the coupon code in the emails you received before and after the event, or in the brochure inside your workshop pack.
Bundle with Teacher Hub and save up to 40%!
Bundle a Teacher Hub School Subscription with a Seven Steps Tool Kit and save at least 20% (over 40% if you’ve recently attended training). Order the bundle above, or contact our office to give you a hand on (03) 9521 8439.
Buy multiple Tool Kits and save
If you buy more than one Tool Kit in the same order, you will save 40% off the second and subsequent Tool Kits. You don’t need a coupon for this – simply add them to your cart and the discount will be applied automatically.
Are there any discounts available for individual manuals?
If you buy more than one of the same manual in an order, you will save 20% off the second and subsequent manuals. You don’t need a coupon for this – simply add them to your cart and the discount will be applied automatically.
We are also selling our first edition manuals for Narrative, Informative and Early Years at a significant discount, while stocks last.
What is your refund policy?
It is important to us that you are delighted with your Seven Steps purchase! We therefore offer a money-back guarantee on almost all products and services.
If you’re not happy with your Seven Steps product, please email or call us within 30 days of purchase. If we are unable to resolve the issue or further assist you, we will process a refund upon timely receipt of the unopened products. Refunds will be processed promptly via the same method that you used to make the order.
All refunds are made in accordance with the Australian Consumer Protection Act and at the discretion of Seven Steps to Writing Success. Our full terms and conditions can be found here.
How long until I receive my order?
Expected standard delivery across Australia is within three weeks from the date of order. Express delivery is usually within one week from the date of order, particularly if you are in or close to a capital city.
Sometimes we find the resources have been delivered but they’re held up in your school’s main office, so you may want to check there to be sure they haven’t already arrived!
If your order still hasn’t been delivered after three weeks, please give our office a call on (03) 9521 8439 so we can figure out what’s gone wrong.
Do you offer special prices for CRTs?
We know CRTs often have to pay for their own teaching resources, without any support from schools, so we try to help where we can. Contact our office on (03) 9521 8439 or email [email protected] and we can chat!
What makes your manuals eco-friendly?
The manuals’ internal pages are made with ecoStar+, an environmentally responsible paper made carbon neutral and is FSC Recycled certified. ecoStar+ is manufactured from 100% post-consumer recycled fibre in a process chlorine free environment under the ISO 14001 environmental management system.
The manual folders are carbon neutral 4D Ring Binders.
Our printers also use a vegetable-based ink.
Can't find what you're looking for?
Fill out our ‘Contact us’ form on our website here and one of our friendly Steven Steps team members will be in contact.
Alternatively, you can contact our office on (03) 9521 8439 or email [email protected]
Informative feedback
Sizzling Starts
Narrative writing
Importance of stories
Paint a word picture
Creative characters
Ban the Boring
Informative writing
Book review
Persuasive writing
New persuasive manual

Inspired by @teaandcountryteaching to use visual labels to identify the Seven Steps (or opportunities to use some), informative facts and glow/grow feedback for 3 exemplars for our historical writing HASS assessment.
We looked at three different letters (all different levels) and there were some excellent discussions with lots of critical thinking taking place.

I am blown away by how amazing these @sevenstepswriting sizzling starts are! Moving from year 5 to year 4 this year I wasn’t sure what to expect, however … I am so impressed. Yes we need to work on spelling, grammar and punctuation but I’m so proud of how they have used literary devices and figurative language! I’m so proud of my amazing writers.

It’s a cold, stormy night, and I’m about to catch a mass murderer. It’s not the first time I’ve had to do this, but I hope it’s the last. I’m standing outside his house, gun in hand. I bust down the door, ‘This is the police, get on the ground!’ he doesn’t listen. I watch him climb out of his widow, so I follow quickly after him.

It is the ability to put ourselves in the place of another that makes us truly human. This is why stories are so important.

My socks are sweaty inside my shoes. My toes squirm around inside my socks. It’s almost like I’d just jumped in a puddle, but this puddle was a puddle of sweat. I itch my neck as my shirt scratches along the hairs on my skin. My pants are too big and I don’t like the colour. We have to wear ties that we need to retie every morning. Our jumpers are made of wool, but it means you have to constantly itch and readjust your cuffs. Well, I think the days of scratchy, big and ugly school uniforms are well and truly over. We need to step out of the old days and start to encourage free thinking from students.

‘Here is the brand new musical bicycle’ shouted the shopkeeper. I grinned and stood proudly as the little girl looked at me. I had a big badge that said ‘Must have for Christmas!’ I enjoyed being so popular!

So the writer who breeds more words than he needs is making a chore for the reader who reads.

The ground is shaking, there are landslides forming in the distance and huge waves are arising from the sea water. This is called an earthquake. Did you know the largest earthquake was located in Southern Chile. It had a magnitude of 9.5 and occurred on May 22 1960.

Interested about Faith, the cat who protected her baby kitten after a nuke dropped? Or the cat that used a sandpit in the circus as a giant litter box? I have the book for you then, with humour, funny stories and the timeline of cats! Check out Rebel Cats: Brave Stories for Feisty Felines.

Uniforms do not mean better grades!
Are you tired of feeling ununique, or feeling too common? Well all of those problems would be solved if school uniforms were banned! People in school wouldn’t feel uncomfortable bodywise and this way, people have no limit with self expression!

Sizzling Starts – opening up my students’ eyes to the exciting ways we can make Persuasive Writing interesting! Loving using the brand new 2.0 Persuasive Writing Manual from @sevenstepswriting.
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